Thursday, April 8, 2010

As I am getting acquainted with blogging, I see a whole new realm of possibilities for connecting with my colleagues in ministry as well as with my classmates in the seminar on the theology of Eric Butterworth.

It is my intention to not only increase and share my awareness of Mr. Butterworth's writings, but his theology and how it evolved over time. My hope is that all who visit this blog site will share similar interests in mining the Butterworth field and in being critically engaged in understanding his theology; and in discussing how it contributed to enhancing the lives of hundreds of thousands if not millions over the years.


  1. What do you see as the most salient feature(s) of Eric Butterworth's theology?

  2. I see as the most salient features of Eric Butterworth's theology to be his centeredness in One Presence and One Power, and that each individual has access to that Power. Butterworth refers to that Power using various terms which at once can be very comforting as well as confusing at times. For example, he refers to God as the Universe, the whole body of things; God as the allness of ever-present substance in which we live, move and have our being; and he says that "you do not have to get more substance for all the substance of the Universe is present right where you are...the goal should not be to make more money or acquire things, but to achieve the consciousness through which the substance will flow forth when and as you need it." Because Butterworth uses the words substance, universe, Power, and God interchangeably, it gets a bit confusing especially when he uses them in the same sentence.

    However, regardless of the confusion that results when Butterworth uses words interchangeably, he is consistent in his belief that an individual is equipped to create a life of prosperity because of he/she lives, moves and has his/her being in the ever-present substance of God, the One Presence and One Power. That theology preaches.
